Our Level 6 minicomputers
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Titolo: Our Level 6 minicomputers
Dimensione file: 566 KB (1268x1859 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: Computerworld
Data della fonte: 12 December 1977
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Honeywell  
Caricato da: Maverich il 08-12-2019
Testo originale: Our Level 6 Minicomputers: modular hardware, modular software, all under one umbrella.
The flexibility of having software that's as modular as your hardware.
The security of having it all from a single vendor-with worldwide maintenance and support.
Honeywell has your requirements covered.
Modular Hardware.
Level 6's fully open-ended architecture lets you select processors, memories, communications, and peripherals to meet just about any system requirements.
Packaging includes table-top, rack-mounted, and office versions.
Options include the ability to address up to 2 million bytes of memory, a memory management unit, a powerful scientific instruction processor, and a wide choice of peripheral devices.
Modular Software.
Our new GCOS 6 operating system features an array of software modules that you can assemble to match your individual needs.
It's a multifunctional system that supports functions such as forms data entry and remote batch with local processing.
Plus time-shared program development, terminal concentration, transaction processing, data base management, and file transmission modules that allow connection to Honeywell and other host processors, all in a real-time, distributed systems environment.
And GCOS 6 lets you run your own applications, utilize Level 6 functions like transaction processing, and communicate simultaneously with a host processor - all on a single Level 6 system.
And Support.
Level 6 is backed by Honeywell's worldwide support: systems analysts, instructors and a field maintenance force of over 3,500 in the United States alone.
Dimensione file: 566 KB (1268x1859 pixel)
Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale
Fonte pubblicazione: Computerworld
Data della fonte: 12 December 1977
Linguaggio: en (English)
Marca del contenuto: Honeywell  
Caricato da: Maverich il 08-12-2019
Testo originale: Our Level 6 Minicomputers: modular hardware, modular software, all under one umbrella.
The flexibility of having software that's as modular as your hardware.
The security of having it all from a single vendor-with worldwide maintenance and support.
Honeywell has your requirements covered.
Modular Hardware.
Level 6's fully open-ended architecture lets you select processors, memories, communications, and peripherals to meet just about any system requirements.
Packaging includes table-top, rack-mounted, and office versions.
Options include the ability to address up to 2 million bytes of memory, a memory management unit, a powerful scientific instruction processor, and a wide choice of peripheral devices.
Modular Software.
Our new GCOS 6 operating system features an array of software modules that you can assemble to match your individual needs.
It's a multifunctional system that supports functions such as forms data entry and remote batch with local processing.
Plus time-shared program development, terminal concentration, transaction processing, data base management, and file transmission modules that allow connection to Honeywell and other host processors, all in a real-time, distributed systems environment.
And GCOS 6 lets you run your own applications, utilize Level 6 functions like transaction processing, and communicate simultaneously with a host processor - all on a single Level 6 system.
And Support.
Level 6 is backed by Honeywell's worldwide support: systems analysts, instructors and a field maintenance force of over 3,500 in the United States alone.
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