Can anyone beat the Altair system?

Can anyone beat the Altair system?
We doubt it.

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Titolo: Can anyone beat the Altair system?

Dimensione file: 732 KB (1650x2150 pixel)

Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale

Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta

Data della fonte: May 1976

Linguaggio: en (English)

Marca del contenuto: Mits logo mits 

Caricato da: Maverich il 01-05-2020
Testo originale: Can anyone beat the Altair system?
We doubt it.
When it comes to microcomputers, Altair from MITS is the leader in the field.
The Altair 8800 is now backed by a complete selection of plug-in compatible boards. Included are a variety of the most advanced memory and interface boards, PROM board, vector interrupt, real time clock, and prototype board.
Altair 8800 peripherals include a revolutionary, low-cost floppy disk system, Teletype line printer, and soon-to-be-announced CRT terminal.
Software for the Altair 8800 includes an assembler, text editor, monitor, debug, BASIC, Extended BASIC, and a Disk Operating System. And this software is not just icing on the cake —it has received industry wide acclaim for its efficiency and revolutionary features.
But MITS hasn't stopped with the Altair 8800. There is also the Altair 680 —complete with memory and selectable interface —built around the new 6800 microprocessor chip. And soon-to-be-announced are the Altair 8800a and the Altair 8800b.
MITS doesn't stop with just supplying hardware and software, either. Every Altair owner is automatically a member of the Altair Users Group through which he has access to the substantial Altair software library. Every Altair owner is informed of up-to-date developments via a free subscription to Computer Notes. Every Altair owner is assured that he is dealing with a company that stands firmly behind its products.
After all, we didn't become the leader by messing around. Shouldn't you send for more information or visit one of our Altair dealers?

2450 Alamo S.E. Albuquerque, N.M. 87106

mits mits altair 8800 basic