The POLY 88 Microcomputer System

The POLY 88 Microcomputer System

The POLY 88 Mi

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Titolo: The POLY 88 Microcomputer System

Dimensione file: 581 KB (741x3096 pixel)

Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale

Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta

Data della fonte: 1976

Linguaggio: en (English)

Marca del contenuto: Polymorphic Systems logo polymorphic systems 

Caricato da: Maverich il 10-05-2020
Testo originale: The POLY 88 Microcomputer System

The POLY 88 Microcomputer System brings to the user, in one compact package, the capability of developing programs and hardware as well as enjoying the interaction with computers.
The POLY 88 System uses a video monitor for display, a keyboard for input and cassette tape for storage. The system will also connect to a hard-copy terminal. Poly 88 hardware consists of an 8080 based CPU circuit card with onboard memory and I/O, video display circuit card with keyboard input port and graphics capability, and mini-cards that connect to the CPU board via ribbon cable for cassette or serial interface.
The Firmware Monitor is integral to the POLY 88 System. This 1024 byte program in ROM allows the user to display data on a TV screen, enter data into memory using a keyboard, read and dump data to the cassette interface in Kansas City format, and single step through a program while displaying the contents of each of the 8080's internal registers.
Prices: Basic kit including chassis, CPU and video cards — $595, $795 assembled. Cassette option — $90 kit and $125 assembled. 8K of RAM — $300 in kit form or $385 assembled.
Dealers: This system will sell itself.

All prices and specifications subject to change without notice. Prices are USA only. California residents add 6% sales tax. Prepaid orders shipped postpaid. BankAmericard and Master Charge accepted.

737 S. Kellogg Avenue, Goleta, Ca. 93017
(805) 967-2351

polymorphic systems polymorphic systems 88