Bookkeepers for a Nation

Without machines to help them do this job, hundred

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Titolo: Bookkeepers for a Nation

Dimensione file: 915 KB (2096x4196 pixel)

Tipo del contenuto: pagina di rivista o giornale

Fonte pubblicazione: sconosciuta

Data della fonte: 9 August 1943

Linguaggio: en (English)

Marca del contenuto: Ncr logo ncr 

Caricato da: Maverich il 17-07-2021
Testo originale: Without machines to help them do this job, hundreds upon thousands of new bookkeepers would be needed to keep our records, and millions of man-hours would be stolen from our war effort.

National Typewriting-Bookkeeping Machines in industry, in business and in government are speeding record making and record keeping for the nation because they are simple and easy to operate…for they alone combine the standard adding machine and typewriter keyboards with full visibility of forms in the machines… Any typist with a knowledge of an adding machine becomes a proficient operator with a few hours’ practice.

Nationals are flexible…for they can be changed to do all sorts of bookkeeping…like the statement you receive from the department store or the wholesaler…or for purchase records…payroll writing…posting general ledgers…and numerous other applications.

National Typewriting-Bookkeeping Machines, as well as all other National products and systems, save man-hours and provide protection over money and records for the bookkeeping of the nation.

National Accounting-Bookkeeping Machines may be secured by essential industries through priorities… A stock of modern used National Cash Registers is also available for business needs.

The National Cash Register Company



321 EAST 149TH STREET, MOtt Haven 9-3323

138 BOWERY, CAnal 6-4906

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